SRD Customer Complaints
SRD Technical Limited strives to ensure that our customers are happy and treated fairly. If a customer has a complaint, it is important to us that we understand and endeavour to improve our standards where possible. We embrace any feedback as an opportunity to learn and whilst we endeavour to be perfect, we understand that this is a journey and not a destination, mistakes may happen occasionally, if a customer feels dissatisfied with any element of our service, we welcome the opportunity to put things right. Our internal complaints procedure is in place to handle your complaint fairly and efficiently and to ensure that any complaints are dealt with in a consistent manner. Please rest assured that you will be treated with courtesy and the utmost respect as we work to put things right.
Our Complaints Procedure:
Complaints may be made in writing, email, by telephone or in any other form. Please provide as much detail as possible about the reasons for your complaint and the outcome you would like to see.
We reserve the right to decline to consider a complaint that is made more than six months after you became aware of the cause of the complaint. There may be instances where we will waive this requirement at our discretion. We will confirm to you if a complaint has been made outside the time limit that we are prepared to consider.
We will send you a written or electronic acknowledgement of a complaint within five business days of receipt, identifying the person who will be handling the complaint for the business. Wherever possible, that person will not have been directly involved in the matter which is the subject of the complaint, and will have authority to settle the complaint.
Unless you expressly advise us not to, we may also try to contact by telephone in the interests of understanding your complaint and ensuring we properly address it.
Within two weeks of receiving a complaint we will send you either:
a final response which adequately addresses the complaint; or
a holding response, which explains why we are not yet in a position to resolve the complaint and indicates when we will make further contact with you.
We will send you a final response which adequately addresses the complaint no later than eight weeks from receiving a complaint.
Where we decide that redress is appropriate, we will provide you with fair compensation for any acts or omissions for which we are responsible and will comply with any offers of redress which you accept. Appropriate redress will not always involve financial redress, for example, it may involve an apology or offer to re-do work conducted.
If you are not satisfied with our final response, we will be happy to consider a further response, but in the absence of new evidence or material flaws being evident in our findings, it is unlikely to change the outcome of our investigation.
If we do not hear from you within a timescale of 14 days after issuing our final response, we will assume you are satisfied with the outcome. Unless you ask us not to, we will endeavour to follow up and ensure you are satisfied and offer additional support.
Independent Advice
If matters still cannot be resolved to your satisfaction after working with us, and our investigations and internal complaints procedure has been exhausted, or unresolved after 8 weeks from receiving your complaint, you can refer to the Ombudsman Services. Ombudsman Services website is https://www.ombudsman-services.org/ and they provide free and impartial support.
SRD Technical contact information
Please contact SRD Technical Limited at info@srdtechnical.com or 01923 553007 or at www.srdtechnical.com