Start Your Energy Transition Journey.
Explore The Path to Net Zero.
What Is Our Net Zero Road Map?
There will always be a reason to not do something - the list on the right are just some of the common objections used by companies to not do something about reaching Net Zero.
But the fact is that the UK Government has signed you, your business, indeed all of us, up to a 2050 Net Zero target. In June 2019, parliament passed legislation requiring the government to reduce the UK’s net emissions of greenhouse gases to Net Zero by 2050 based on 1990 levels. The odds are that carbon taxes will be used as a stick to make this happen.
Our Net Zero Services
Wherever you are on your journey towards Net Zero, SRD can support you with our extensive specialist expertise in energy and carbon efficiency, sustainability strategies, waste management, data analysis and cutting-edge technologies, to work with you to develop a phased approach to help you achieve your Net Zero goals. SRD will assist you with:
✓ Establishing a universal understanding of Net Zero
✓ Agree key objectives
✓ Agree timelines
✓ Roles and responsibilities
✓ Critical success factors
✓ Reporting systems
Research and Development will conduct a detailed analysis of your buildings, assets and operations to determine the full extent of your current carbon emissions, and their sources. Emissions are classified into three Scopes. To meet current legislation businesses need only focus on Scope One and Two emissions.
However, for businesses that wish to gain real competitive advantage, Scope Three emissions from supply chains also need to be considered. SRD will conduct detailed analyses of your business processes and assets. We break this down into five simple steps:
✓ Determining the organisational boundaries
✓ Agreeing the baseline period
✓ Identifying the key environmental impacts for your organisation
✓ Measuring – collecting and collating the relevant data
✓ Reporting – consolidating the data into an easily understandable format and identifying metrics relevant to your business
We use a globally recognised approach and a UK government approved format for your emissions baseline:
Scope 1 – Direct emissions: We will need to understand if and how much liquid, solid, gas or biofuel you use for your operations – e.g. for heating. We will also need information on your owned vehicles – whether petrol, diesel, hybrid or EV, and how you use them.
Scope 2 – Indirect emissions from energy use: We collect and analyse data on your electricity consumption and, where relevant, your energy consumption for electric vehicles.
Scope 3 analysis – Indirect emissions from all other sources: This is where many of your commercial and strategic opportunities lie and an area which is currently overlooked by legislation, regulatory compliance and many businesses. It covers every aspect of your business not covered by Scopes 1 and 2.
We adopt a light touch in this phase. We simply help you to quickly understand what data is needed, where you might find it, how best to structure it and what assumptions to make if you don’t have it. We acknowledge that you know your existing business better than anyone, we just help you understand how to navigate a transition to a Net Zero business.
Following the baseline review we can then help you identify the essential first steps on your journey to net zero. Using the well established model of reduce, reuse, recycle and offset we help you identify both the actions needed and the timescale for moving towards a Net Zero business.
We will help you identify if there are things you can chose not to do or chose not to buy without adversely affecting your business.
There are immediate cost savings here, in addition to emissions reduction. We will help you identify what changes can you make to your existing operation that have an immediate affect with potential cost and environmental benefits? When you have exhausted all other routes there is a place for offsetting. We help you understand your options and the different approaches available to you.
A Business Review is an essential next step to maximising the value from your Net Zero journey. SRD will assist you in establishing how your organisation is currently doing in addressing carbon emissions and begin to set the scene for a Road Map based on carbon reduction – carbon conversion – carbon green sourcing – and carbon offsetting. SRD’s Business Review will identify:
✓ Simple changes to reduce emissions without jeopardising your business
✓ Any costs associated with the identified improvements
✓ Cost savings associated with the identified improvements
✓ Clean energy opportunities
✓ Supply chain opportunities from where you source your raw materials
✓ Wider resource efficiency opportunities
✓ Organisational behavioural change to help cement opportunities
✓ Internal and external resource requirements
✓ How to generate maximum benefit through effective marketing
✓ Opportunities for access to grants, investment capital and tax breaks
When you choose SRD to support your transition to Net Zero carbon our experts will be with you on every part of the journey from analysing and planning through to implementation and ongoing monitoring and certification. Our solutions are integrated and carefully targeted to ensure you achieve the optimum emissions reductions in the most efficient and cost-effective way – enabling you to achieve your specific Net Zero goals.
We understand that there is no effective “one size fits all” approach. SRD will advise and liaise with you on the following partnerships and activities:
✓ Use internal resources appropriately
✓ Help identify and appoint delivery partners
✓ Measure and verify performance
✓ Regularly review in light of new legislation & emerging technologies
✓ Regularly review innovations
✓ Ensure open and transparent communications with all stakeholders
Eliminating carbon from your operations poses a variety of challenges, and the measures required vary for different types of organisation. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and there are many obstacles to overcome – from cost and time constraints to allocating resources and establishing priorities.
Sourcing the right expertise for implementing your Energy Transition model is non-negotiable, or it just won’t happen.
Interim managers are highly-skilled professionals who can resolve your specific Energy Transition challenges. We have access to a fantastic pool of energy industry interim talent - if the capacity doesn’t exist in your workforce, a specialised interim manager is the perfect extra set of hands.
There are also a huge array benefits from using energy-specialist interim managers, such as: minimum recruitment and termination formalities; results-linked remuneration; are usually overqualified, bringing tremendous experience to address your Energy Transition challenges; deliver consistently and quickly; will transfer skills, contacts and experience to your team, which will remain long after they have left; highly cost-effective.
From one-off senior level search engagements to ongoing programmes building Energy Transition technically skilled teams over weeks, months, or even years, we are flexible in terms of the approach that we employ, dependent on the needs of our clients. Once a suitable process has been agreed, we always execute it with efficiency and precision.
Our genuine and long-standing experience in the energy sector will ensure we can source the most appropriate talent for your specific Energy Transition model:
Our knowledge of the Energy Transition sector helps us to be more successful at understanding our customers’ needs and in the way we communicate with candidates. This allows us to better match candidates to specific job roles
Our energy sector focus means that we understand the needs of both parties which results in a higher quality service, with a greater degree of success
We are small enough to work with both potential employers and candidates on a one-to-one basis - we're not a large anonymous corporation which takes a percentage without adding much value
We believe our specialist knowledge is a vital part of the recruitment mix: this is especially true when candidates themselves require specialist knowledge and experience, as this makes it harder for larger, more general recruitment companies to learn enough about the industry to be able to offer real value
Our qualified personnel have been placed right across the globe, supporting on- and offshore projects for some of the biggest names in energy
If you need a specialist who’s intimate with the energy sector, we can promise you we’ll always have an answer
Our systematic approach to measuring and analysing the emissions associated with your business, backed up by targeted services and solutions, offers a proven way to achieve guaranteed carbon savings. SRD can help through all stages of your Net Zero journey whilst delivering value to your business.
We don’t see this journey as simply a response to a regulatory requirement; it is an opportunity for you to differentiate, enhance and grow your business.
That’s why you need a zero-carbon specialist on your side – and when it comes to delivering on your carbon-reduction commitments SRD is with you all the way.