What type of business can adopt an EnMS?

The simplest answer is any.

ISO 50001 is an energy management system (EnMS) certification that can be adopted by any business, of any size, and in any sector. However, that is not to say that all energy management systems are the same. Depending on the business’s needs, an EnSM can be personalised to each individual businesses needs. An ISO 50001 simply accredits EnSM's that meet the standards of the International Organisation for Standardisation, regardless of their size. It's the energy management system that is important. 

An ISO 50001 is an effective way of managing a business's energy usage, in turn providing the business with energy security which is more important than ever due to current inflated energy prices. This system puts businesses' needs first, whether that is reaching sustainability goals, ensuring financial stability, or the business's reputation. 

Energy management systems are designed to:

  • Reduce energy and cut costs

  • Offer an alternative option for businesses that require ESOS compliance

  • Increase a business’ energy security

  • Demonstrate corporate responsibility towards sustainability 

The steps taken to implement an EnMS varies from business to business. Whether you want an alternative to ESOS or an energy management system to help you manage your energy consumption and subsequent bills. ISO 50001 can benefit a business of any size in these times of uncertainty around the future stability of energy. 


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